Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Took Rosie and the others to the driving range yesterday to enjoy the great weather. The range is only across the street, but it was a work out carrying Rosie while also holding Taylor's and Jesse's leashes in one hand. Once we got there I played frisbee with Taylor and Jesse while Rosie had to stay in one place due to her condition. I could tell Rosie was upset and fustrated for not being able to play with her sisters. The above picture is of Rosie expressing her fustration from yesterday's trip. I truely wish I had the power of healing so Rosie could join her sisters again as she's done for her entire life. Eventhough Rosie could play frisbee she definately enjoyed being outside in the sun and breeze. I hope to take just Rosie to the park or driving range tomorrow on my birthday if its nice outside. *** The above picture is of Rosie expressing her fustration from yesterday's trip***

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


ROSIE my dog isnt doing too well. Her condition is getting worse and worse. Its to the point where she cant even lift her back legs up to walk. The only way she can move is to use her front legs and pull her rear end and legs along with her along the ground. On top of dragging her rear end around, she is having a hard time holding in her pee and poo. Without any warning to her or me....she just lets it go. Making a huge mess. On the other hand she is still a happy dog who loves the outdoors, always asking for doggie treats and is still very affectionate. Her inner will and spirit to stay active is still very strong...but her condition, which is the dog form of MS is getting worse and worse. When does someone make the decision on if its unfair or not to keep a pet alive or to put a pet to rest. Its going to be one of the toughest and saddest decision of my life. How can anyone weigh a life like that. All my mother and I want to do is make the right decision for Rosie. Time is getting near to make that call and Im totally not looking forward to it. Rosie has been one of my best friends along with my 2 other german shephards. I know she's a dog...but she's also been a sister or something along those lines. LOVE YOU ROSIE. I know dogs cant read....but I had to write this and say it!!!